What's the first thing you do  in the morning?
When you get out of bed, what's the first thing you do?
Possible options.................
  • Pray
  • Scroll through your phone for messages, news feed etc
  • Jump straight out of bed to shower cause you are late
  • Stay in bed a while longer thinking about how messed up your life is

And so much more.

The first thing you should do once you wake up is to find something to be grateful for. Appreciate the fact that you are living. Be grateful for air, food, family or even shelter.  Even if you don't have any of these, be grateful for life.

No matter how awful or wonderful your life is, be grateful to God for what ever you have no matter how little. Gratitude controls the spirit of your day and gives you the energy to push through the day.

Quit complaining first thing in the morning.  That's only going to wreck havoc for the rest of the day. Instead reaffirm  positive words  to yourself . Let those words ring in your consciousness and subconscious.

Those words fuel your efforts and handwork for the day.

Prioritize your time in the morning. Don't wake up to facebook, instagram or whatever social media page you wake up to. Instead wake up to gratitude and make things happen.

Do have a productive week guys..


Anonymous said…
lol you forgot....hiting at least 10 push ups and 10 jumping jacks
Unknown said…
True talk.. I'm guilty of some oh. But GOD help me
Ogechukwuadaora said…
Your so right on this one.thanks
Emmie.Ug said…
Nice one..... And you also forgot.. Jumping up and going straight to the kitchen 😝😝...... Emmie.Ug
Anonymous said…
Lol, u correct small, because me have scope the refrigerator for a 'can' lollol...

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