I've been doing some personal reflection lately on every aspect of my  life. Then I remembered a story I would love to share. 

When I started this blog in 2015, October precisely, I was passionately eager to impact lives. The blog was born out of hunger to fulfill my dreams of being a voice in my generation that affected people positively. 

Every story I told was aimed at inspiring people to be their best. I felt it was my little contribution to making the world a better place.

Months later I got a job and I struggled to keep up with the blog. My attention was grossly divided and with time my hunger for writing waned. Combining my '9 - 6 'and blogging was a hideous task for me. It became very difficult to keep up which explained the long absence. 

Then one day I got a mail from a reader. She asked why I had not posted in a while. She said and I quote "Dear Kender, its been a  while I saw a recent post on your blog. Hope you have not abandoned the blog. Just to let you know that we miss your stories".

As I responded to that mail, it struck me that for all those times I thought no one ever valued my writings, someone actually did.  For every time the burden or guilt of leaving the blog unattended to consumed me, a voice would always whisper "No one would even notice you haven't posted". But that email proved the voice wrong. Someone actually did notice and  I promised to keep writing even if its for that one reader.

Now to the reason of telling the story is to ask you these questions (Please take time to answer them).

What do you want out of life?
What drives you every day?
What distracts you from your dreams?

This story is aimed at encouraging someone to never quit. Keep doing what you do best even when no one applauds you. When the hunger to achieve more burns inside of you, you are automatically prodded to do more. More ideas are born,  creativity becomes a part of you craft. 

I urge you today to stay hungry.  Its the greatest success trait you should have. Stop waiting for some one to push or motivate you to do something because no one Will.  Everyone has their own cross to carry. 

When hunger for success, achievement and accomplishment is in you, determination, focus and discipline to achieve falls into place.  Don't forget that. 
Even when no one is watching,  put in your 100% and watch your growth become a success story. 

Do this: Write on a piece of paper "I will stay hungry " and put it by your bed side or any where you know you will constantly see it. Let it be a reminder that you should stay hungry. 


Unknown said…
keep doing what you do......we love you
Unknown said…
Nicely said, giving up is never an option. If you really passion for it, then see the purpose in it and it will surely motivate you. Please don't ever give up,there's someone watching you and appreciating it even when you don't know. Your efforts are never a waste.
Unknown said…
Nicely said, giving up is never an option. If you really passion for it, then see the purpose in it and it will surely motivate you. Please don't ever give up,there's someone watching you and appreciating it even when you don't know. Your efforts are never a waste.

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