The Love Struck Bimbo

                                             EPISODE 2

The rains had been torrential for over a week. After what seemed like a never ending down pour, the sun shone again bathing the city in golden shafts of sunlight and sight so beautiful to behold.  The vegetation so lush and green. One would have to take a moment to admire the scenery but not for people who had experienced the horrid rains.

Umbrellas had turned to walking sticks for the older men. The wind blew softly caressing the leaves on the tree as the birds chorused beautiful tunes into the ears of late risers like Sarah. She rolled from one end of the bed to the other, kicking the sheets to the floor. A quick look around the room showed evidence of her inability to put her stuffs together.

Cloths slovenly placed around the room, she gathered herself off of the bed and clumsily went into the bathroom. Her strides were jolted by a heap of cloths beside her dresser. She kicked the pile lazily and headed for the bathtub. As she hummed her favorite turn from Beyonce's third album, the sound of her cellphone ringing came on but was drowned by the noise from the splashing of water against the tub.

She jumped off the shower when the phone rang a third time. Wiping her face with the towel tired around her body, she pressed the answer button
''Hello, Purple?
''Hi, she hesitated a bit as though she was distracted. ''I'm sorry I didn't confirm until today. I've had a rough week and the rains....., She exhaled deeply as she stuttered on her words.
''Are you ok?, Sarah asked rather unconcerned. The feeling to ask felt right but she really didn't care deep down.

''We could reschedule if today isn't convenient for you, Sarah continued.
''It's fine, Purple responded ruefully. I already made a lunch reservation at Dover for 2pm. Is that ok by you?
''That's ok.....umm can you send me the directions?
''I'll send it right away'' and with that Purple hung up

Sarah threw her phone to the bed and jumped into getting ready. Few minutes later, she stood in front of her dressing table mirror, eyes expressionless. The black dress she wore reflected  every tiny detail of her life. The only detail on the dress was the embellishment on the nape of the dress with stones which matched the stud earrings she wore.

Colors were not part of her life and it reflected on the way she dressed. Midnight black had always been her color after the series of unfortunate events. The images ran through her mind in flash and her heart stopped for a sec, ''not today she muttered''. 

She felt an irrational trust of anger towards the world which made her livid. She was not used to living her apartment. Her clients came to her and the delivery company she partnered with always came to pick up her clients' cloths for delivery. She fastened the straps of her brown sandals and took her sling bag off the door hook. It was 1:01pm, she took a final look around the room and left.


It was Thursday and  Purple hardly went to the office except on rare occasions when she had to impress a client. She had just finished speaking with Sarah and she had just two hours to get ready. Last minute planning was not how she usually engaged her new clients but her meeting with Mike's new partners was rescheduled for 9am earlier in the day and she had to oblige him. They have really come a long way. A faint smile played on her lips when she remembered how they met.

She took a dollop of the custard she made for breakfast that she just microwaved. Her appetite was returning gradually since after the break up but the deep pain still seared inside her, burning with white hot flames. Why does love have to hurt so much, she thought. Warm liquid gathered in her eyes and before she could stop it, it was flowing already.

Mostly when Purple felt pain, it came with a trembling chill, very sharp and piercing but thinking more on the words Edward told her caused a smoldering ember to burst into flames.
The image of the little scanty haired girl who sat on the cold pavement every afternoon after school all alone flooded her mind.
She smiled wryly and pushed her plate away. She trotted into the bedroom to get ready for her meeting.


They both drew up an advertising plan that worked for O'saj and her target population. Sarah observed the whole time taking notes on her small yellow note pad. Food was served but they seemed rather engrossed in work to take note of it. Purple always gave her best when it came to work. 

''You sure you don't want to eat?, Purple asked her as she took her bag to leave.
''I am fine, I've somewhere else to be'', She lied. 
''Ok, if you say so. Let's keep the next meeting for Saturday as we discussed. You get the models and pieces ready and I will handle the rest.
Sarah nodded with an outlandish gaze on her phone. The thought of scouting for models was going to be an uphill task but thanks to the internet. She bade Purple goodbye and left. She was always in a hurry. 


Purple, her face glistening with sweat reached out for her car keys in her bag. She had waited fifteen minutes for the person who parked behind her to move so she could drive out. She bent over to pick the paper that fell off her bag while she searched for her keys. Raising her face, she noticed his shinny shoes. Before she could voice her annoyance, he spoke.
''I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience ma'am. I was at the Men's and I had no idea I was keeping you waiting. 

His demeanor spoke honesty and politeness which soothed her grievances. Leaning forward he stretched his hand in a handshake. ''Osaro, he said bowing slightly.
Taking his hand she said ''Purple''

Abruptly he pulled back, standing straight he asked  ''As in the color Purple?''
''I guess she said with a little frown on her face. She gets that question all the time. ''I'm actually in a hurry sir''.

He quickly went into his car and drove to the Northern exit of the hotel. He watched till she drove out of the compound before coming out of his car with surprise flickered on his face.

click here if you missed Episode one.

photo credit: @JUDE_DEVIR


Unknown said…
your writing is impeccable, you should make this into a novel....can't wait for episode 3
Thanks Raphael. Anything to keep my readers entertained.
Unknown said…
Honestly, it's like I'm seeing a movie. Earnestly waiting for the next episode. Weldone dear

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