It came up to me in quite a deceptive manner. When the apartments of my frail heart was occupied with none other than hope for the future. It walked in as a companion to push me to greater heights. How that push actually pushed me into a cocoon. Then came betrayals in one's self, denials, failed efforts and most importantly anxiety. Early night tuck ins turned to late nights filled with trying to figure out life and after that gruesome exercise, that old cold pressing fear takes over and cancels out the efforts and the work put in. I lived with fear and over time it degenerated to constant anxiety. Scared to the bones about what the future holds and even how to start out. I doubted my competence for such a long time. My waste bin constantly filled with piles of scraped wriggled papers from articles written that never made its purpose was a good reminder of how I failed myself. I searched for what could set me free and put me on a pedestal to soar higher. Lo...