Dear ''twenty something'' year old buddy,

How has life been since you clocked 20?

Just the other day I was ecstatic about 23 and I was just about to finish serving (Nation Youth Service Corps). I had a lot of things I hoped to do, but then, I had one problem: I didn't have a CV (curriculum vitae). I didn't know how to go about the job searching thing and I was pretty worried about that. 

The next year after service, I was working and surviving miraculously. The months I stayed up late at night trying to figure out my path and feeling so pressured about not having a job were just behind me. I was so pressured you know. None of my friends ever came home after Service. They all found jobs but I was home and feeling miserable. 

However, it was in that time I decided to Horne my writing skills and start a blog. It was still that time I started off my editing career on a low key which landed me my second job.

This little recap of my life is to paint a perfect picture of what many of us do in our 20s. We worry so much about not being able to make it that we zap away all the fun and excitement of our younger days. 
Nobody ever figured it out all at once. It takes time and in taking your time to figure out your path, please don't feel pressured by what you see out there.  

The world is indeed a ''survival of the fittest'', but I still believe there is path for us all if only we take our time to figure it out. 

I have not figured mine out fully. I'm still in the process of researching and getting to know what works best for me. I recently posted an article on the way I felt (''Choked'' please do well to read it).

 I was so stressed mentally that I was drowning in the ''I must not fail'' pit. I would not sleep well because even in my sleep, my mind is still processing how I would start the next money making venture or how much I should have in my savings at the end of 2018 or just how I could move into a befitting apartment. 

I was so stressed that I didn't remember the last time I was in touch with myself to enjoy a moment or a meal. I even ate absent mindedly. Thankfully, I had a wake up call. 

My 20s will never return and in the end I will still make it. I should actually enjoy my 20s and not go down hard on myself.

It's ok not to know where to start. That's even a better way of starting. That way your brain is a virgin land and you can start out slowly. Its very hard to play it down especially if you are all on your own and you still have younger ones to fend for, but trust me on this, you don't want to be trying every thing and at the end of the day you are exhausted and your 20s are gone. Then you say HELLO to 30 still confused. 
Why don't you start out now:
No pressure
No Rush
No double standards
Finally be true to yourself as to what you want and where you want to see yourself.

I started by reading books on how to get started in life. I learnt how to turn my passion into my job. I drafted my plans and I have kept to it. 

One thing you shouldn't take for granted is making detailed plans. Its your road map and it would guide you. Even if things doesn't turn out the way you planned (It doesn't always turn out like that), but at least you have a map you are working with. 

Finally, get started with whatever you have decided to do. You never can tell how bad or good it is until you start. Get started and have fun in all the ups and down that you will face.

Need more help with this: send in a mail to

Photo credit: Google


Unknown said…
The hurdles of 20, I pray for myself. Really need to discover this quickly
Dear one, discovering it is quite an interesting journey. Everything unfold gradually I'll recommend bokks for you ok
Ogechukwuadaora said…
You are full of wisdom.the world will hear your stories and be changed from proud of you
Anonymous said…
i need to enjoy my 20s before its too late

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