You'll Rise Again

The grasses were beginning to grow in rich green colours with just few patches of dark collections mounted in heaps. Looking closely you would almost forget the horrific incidence that took place on that fateful Thursday evening.

As I drove pass that morning, I was inspired by what I saw. This was an area that was burnt beyond recognition weeks ago. A place where lives were burnt in the most agonizing way, a place that a lot of persons lost their most cherished ones, a place of tears with deep untold pain that would likely never be forgotten.

But regardless of the horrid event that took place here, the grasses sprouted in their green glory, making us almost forget of the happenings around here. The black patches of burnt tress and shrubs scattered sparsely to remind us that  tragedy had indeed taken place here.

I couldn't stop but wonder how this scenario relates to real life and how it connects with our every day experiences. The grasses would blossom in even greater strength and completely cover all black patches. We would pass that spot and almost forget the event that took place there.

Now that's some real life lesson. Life has dealt with us in so many ways. Some relationships has left us with deep wounds that may never heal. We have failed in so many ways and are still struggling to rise up. Life would beat you blue black and you'll get to the yield point of your life but yet again YOU will rise.

I bet you, rising again isn't easy but for every set back there is even a greater return in glory if only you don't give up.

Just like those grasses, make efforts to rise above your set backs and pain. Take baby steps and take it one day at a time. A conscious effort made towards getting back on track should be attempted every day. Work on your rising daily. Never feel the need to give up, you have to get back and even bounce back twice as good.

Give love a chance, work on your goals, live your dream and let life be worth leaving with your attitude of happiness.
The cuts would close up and the wounds would heal. Your scars would remain a badge of honor that you conquered.

Have an amazing week.


Ogechukwuadaora said…
Thanks for those encouraging words
Ogechukwuadaora said…

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