Look in the mirror, what do you see. A beautiful person who would have been more beautiful if..............
              ''The skin was lighter
              ''If the butts were bigger
               ''If the thighs were not so thick
               ''If the natural thick hair was straight and silky
             ''If the muscles were bigger or If I had six pack (for the men)

We have so many definitions of beauty and frankly speaking we would embrace our unique individual beauty if the options were not given.

 Imagine a world where everyone looked the same. No one will have to complain about being short, fair, fat or even black. (It would be boring though).

I believe in diversity of beauty and appreciating each type of beauty. Since there is no standard of beauty, who or what compels you to compare your self with another. Who ever told you that you are Ugly?

Who defined you as not good looking?

I believe in a generation who will appreciate their beauty and the beauty of others. A generation who would not be moved by the standard of beauty that has been created by the media but will seek no approval in loving themselves. 

Beauty is relative. Beauty changes over time. In the 17th, 18th or 19th century, I believe beauty meant a totally different thing to them as it appeals to us now. 

With times changing and fashion evolving, beauty adopts a new identity each time according to those standards we think really stands. 

I remember when I was a child. I used to think that the lips beautified the entire face or a person generally. I would add some lip gloss to my lips or Vaseline as the case maybe just to be beautiful. Then I would always ask my mum if I looked beautiful and of course she would say yes. 

Advancing into puberty, My Ideology changed. I saw a lot of young girls with not so pretty lips (as I judged) but they still looked beautiful. Then I came up with another theory of beauty.
 My ideas of beauty were not conscious but based on what I had seen and observed. 

It's not a crime to aspire to be beautiful or want to be beautiful. It's actually natural to want to feel beautiful, but I think it could only be fair when we dismiss any standard of beauty that has been consciously or unconsciously created and accepted .

Beauty does not lie in a straight pointed nose or an hour glass shape or a light skin or even a toned body. Rather beauty lies inside of YOU. Beauty is the summary of your make up. Your individual features sum up what is called BEAUTY  spelt in Block letters. 

You alone can decide to be beautiful and you owe no man to be beautiful. Appreciating all of you and every feature you have is the best you can do for yourself. 

If the environment, culture or fashion tells you otherwise, prove them wrong and show the world that there is no standard of beauty and that you are beauty personified. 

Embrace yourself the way you are and let's advocate for self love.

                                             Kender Cares!
           Thanks for reading

Photo credit: Genius Quotes


Edna said…
This is my best so far. am sincerely saying THANK YOU.
Anonymous said…
I super love love love love................this article. Permit me to share on fb plssssssssssssssssssssss
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Anonymous said…
I enjoyed every bit of ur stories
Unknown said…
Hi dear, wonderful post. I stumbled on your blog through a friend of mine. Funny enough, I remember you so well, back in the days of Lejja, you were fondly called ND, right? Loving every piece of detail here. Keep it up.
Anita James said…
very nice. i need more of this
Thanks Edna. I appreciate your opinion
You are permitted to share
Yes dear, I was Called ND. Thanks for reading.
And I do remember you too
Thanks for reading. You will get more of it

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