I sat at the edge of the the couch with my head raised up as I admired the chandelier. The center table was made of glass and it spoke class. I took my time to mentally calculate the worth of the furniture and the art work hung over the wall.

My mind could not stop thinking of the strange fact that I was sitting in a stranger's house. 

''Not a complete stranger my other self quickly responded''. But that couldn't calm me down. The disagreement in my head went back and forth until he appeared again with two glasses and a bottle of wine. 

I was impressed, its my favorite wine.

''How on earth did he know'' I though as he handed one of the glasses to me and poured the content of the bottle into the glass leaving it half full. 

I was eager to drink it all up when Tracy 's loud voice startled me

''What if the drink is poisoned''
''But he opened it in front of you'' Lucy quickly responded eager to drink of the wine too. 
''You can never tell, he may has poisoned it some how''.

Just a little sip and I'll confirm if it has a funny taste or ..........

''You like it?'' His voice startled me and brought me back to sanity.
''Of course I do''. I savored every bit of the red goodness until I emptied the glass.

''I know you are a bit uncomfortable here, but I promise not to hurt you'' He spoke very gently like he memorized every word that fell off his lips. 

Tracy wouldn't let me concentrate. ''Don't believe any word from him. Men are all lairs''
''No, don't be quick to judge'' Lucy came in. She was ever calm and gentle. 
''Read his eyes and know if he's been sincere'' she continued.

''Don't mind her, he already mentioned hurt so you have to be extra careful'' Tracy snapped back.

Tracy wouldn't let me respond. I was torn between her loud voice and Lucy's calm and convincing voice. But I always yielded to Tracy's voice cause she was loud and I always agreed with her. I think she is my exact self. She is witty and quick to make decisions. 

That is me. I have not just one alter ego but two. They constantly keep me away from people. My mind is like a battle field, always engaged in arguments between the two voices that never seems to seize.

 Am lost and wrecked on the inside cause I cant keep a decent conversation without breaking down at their voices. 

I see them at times.......or I think I do. I talk to them and that makes me my best company. 
Am I alone?
Am I sane?
Does anyone have such loud voices in their head?
I just want to know cause am soul searching.

                                       '' Kender's Piece on Soul search''


Adams said…
This is what I call creative writing. Well done Kender
Anonymous said…
wait a minute, is this you or just a story aimed at entertaining us?
Anonymous said…
one quick observation before i commend your write up. You no longer reply to comments or emails......Y
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Kender has come again oo
spower said…
Nne are u alright
Anonymous said…
Its a fiction I know

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