She pulls his shoes, gently removes his socks and makes him lie down on the grass. He reads her a story while she lays on his chest listening attentively. She called it "couple squat"

She shops with his credit card and does not only buy stuffs for herself but gets him a tie to say thank you.

He hurts her and she does not pretend not to be hurt but expresses her annoyance and yet when he apologizes she forgives him.

She remembers everything that was talked about at dinner and gives an accurate recap on things said. She does not stop at that, she goes ahead to give her own suggestion on how he should go about the issue.

     I could go on and on recounting the events and happenings between "the pretty woman and Mr Edward and I wouldn't stop.

Most of us are familiar with the movie "Pretty woman". Its quite an old movie but I recently got to watch it again and I did learn a number of things I would love to share.

It beats my imagination that a hooker lands a billionaire in just a week. It happens sometimes though but for a disciplined and well coordinated man like Mr Edward........ Not all hookers could entice him. Think about it. This particular hooker had some obvious qualities that I  think ladies should know of. So without waste of time, let's go into it.


Being a hooker, we know the basic thing she offers to every man is sex. So let's not get our minds wrapped around the fact that she may have trapped him with either the dog style or the monkey in the zoo style (hehehehe, there maybe no style as the later).

She did more than that. She knew how to do other little things which in my opinion matters the most. So let's discuss those salient attributes that turned a hooker to a billionaire's girlfriend/wife.

1) She was not ashamed of who she was or what she does. 

Taking this point away from the negative and shifting our concentration to the rather positive jobs, careers, businesses etc we do. We'll find out that most ladies are rather ashamed of a humble beginning.

We would rather want to make it big at first then talk about how big we've become, but the days of early struggles are nothing that should ever be talked about. Every one wants an already made easy life with no stress at all. 

We get so ashamed of our little businesses or jobs and would jump at anything to be someone else or live some else's life.
The character pretty woman, being a hooker was proud of who she was and I believe that endeared Mr Edward to her in the first place. She was content with her person and was passionate about life itself.

Being passionate about yourself, your career etc gives every sane man the notion that you are satisfied with yourself. He comes around you striving to find relevance in your life and by doing so he treats you like the queen you are.

Get busy with your life and other things will follow

2) She cared a lot about him and she wouldn't hide it.

It's funny how a lot of us prefer to play games even when we are so in love with a person. I used to be an ardent crusader of "use the play book". But as I kept growing, I found out one very simple truth. Bad people will always exist and so will good people. So if I care about a person, why not make it obvious and genuine and if its rejected it becomes the person's loss not mine.

So I quit the game thing and embraced honesty in all things especially when it comes to the matters of the heart. We end up driving away potential partners while still at the  "go by the play book game". 

No one is real anymore, deceit is hidden in the games we play just to find happiness in relationships.

So here's what I learnt from 'her'. If you care about a person and you are genuine and honest about it, then by all means go ahead and make it known to him or her. This way we'll all be saved from emotional turmoil.

3) She's a good listener.

Here's one of the qualities I need to learn. Learning to listen to others and not always being in a haste to talk. Listen carefully and then you will always have the right response.

4) She knew what she wanted and went for it.
Most ladies know they want comfort and happiness in life but the way the comfort or happiness should come from eludes them completely.

The sexiest thing about a woman is not just her confidence but her ability to know what she wants and going for it. This applies to both career and relationships. Figure out what you want and go for it. Never settle for less. Your happiness is paramount.

4) She wouldn't with hold the truth from him.

One thing about the the truth is that its bitter and if we find that one person who tells us the truth regardless, we should appreciate the person. She would not pretend on any occasion to be comfortable with a situation just to please him and secure her place in his heart. She would rather say the truth and express herself very well.

In relationships, most at times we swallow alot of things we wouldn't ordinarily accommodate just because the other party has the upper hand in terms of finances, connections or even more knowledgeable than the other. 

Being yourself even when you have nothing will remain golden.

I hope you've learnt a thing or two just like I did. Do have a wonderful and fruitful week.

                       #Kender cares!


Anonymous said…
wait, pretty woman is such a long long movie. you dey try oo
Kenny said…
kender is this a movie review. Please review more movies and books
TOLU said…
nice one
Its not really a movie review but Kender would be glad to review books and movies for her readers

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