CRISIS.........................From the past

                                             .                      EPISODE 2

                 She felt helpless as the nurse was about to tie down her hands too but she begged her not to
............I  promise I wont move or touch anything, I swear.  It felt like she was being tortured and the nurse wanted to punish her for going through with the abortion. The doctor exchanged glances with the nurse and nodded as he put on a fresh mask.

"Relax ma'am, its going to take just few minutes".
She felt the anesthetic jab into her sharply and she wanted to scream but the nurse gave her an angry look. The world seemed to have turned against her again. She was about to kill her only family. Suddenly she heard the sound of the machine. It sounded more like a vacuum.

"What is that?" She asked with her eyes wide open and leaping up in a half sitting position. She felt a sharp pain around her cervix.

"Its a vacuum the doctor responded. Just lie back and in a minute I'll be done.
This was aweful, even the rape incident was not a match to this. This was a medieval torture. The memory of his body pressed hard into hers made her groan.

She screamed as the metal piece went inside her. It felt like it was tearing her apart. The anesthesia had done nothing cause the pain was excruciating. She felt as the vacuum went into her again as though every ounce of her body was being sucked out and she threw up again. Her eyes couldn't see anyone again and in seconds, she passed out.


"Excuse me ma, the others are already at the meeting room.
The secretary had stood there for close to three minutes and she was not responding. Magret finally got a grip of herself.

"I'll be there in a minute. Please take the case file to the library.
"You didn't come with the file ma".
She knew she had forgotten it either in the room or kitchen.
  "It's ok. You can go"

Magret got up and took a glass of cold water. The memories kept coming back and she didn't want them. They were supposed to be in her past but she dragged it along unknowingly.

The meeting was brief and she had just won a case. The boss had started talks on making her a partner and she was so happy. That was the only thing that mattered to her. Scaling new heights. She was indeed exceptional and hard working. One of the senior partners of the firm had an eye on her. Mr Eric had asked her out on several occasions but she had turned him down. Then he tried again after the meeting.

"You are really a big shot", he teased her. Very soon u'll become a partner. That's huge you know? She smiled and accepted the compliment nodding.
"We should celebrate, how about dinner tonight. Please don't say no". His eyes were fixed on hers and she thought it unwise to say no to him. She accepted and found herself dinning at one of the French restaurants with him. After eating, they discussed about work over glasses of champagne.  He was surprised about her ambitions. She was more ambitious than any girl he ever met and he was quite intimidated.

He was attractive. His hair was neatly cut and he had an obvious brown eyes and when he smiled no one would miss the fact he had a lovely set of teeth.

"Why so much ambition", he asked her.
She smiled at him unaware she had said too much to be judged as 'so much'.

"Would you want a husband and kids some day"?
 She gave him an uncertain look and asked
"Why would you ask that"?
"You seemed to have skipped that in your plans".
"Well, I just didn't see it necessary to mention she said gulping the last drink in her glass.

She knew marriage would never be on her mind. She wanted to be alone for the rest of her life. She had a revenge to execute and she didn't need anybody in her way.

"You want more wine", he asked with so much care in his eyes and interrupting her thoughts.
"I would want to get married some day and soonest" he said as he poured her another glass of wine. That is the basic completion I need now.

"Why does everyone think you have to be married to be complete".
"My dear, most people think like you these days, but they are wrong Magret. Marriage is lovely and it completes either the man or the woman. He looked into her eyes and saw courage and intelligence but there was something else he saw but couldn't place his fingers on it.

They finished their drink and he took her home that night and hoped she would invite him upstairs but she only shook him and said thank you. And he went home so horny for her and as soon as he got home, he called her.

    Her voice was husky when she picked and he closed his eyes listening to her. She was damn beautiful with a good body and he was eager to go into her......"hello?"

"Hi, Meg.......I just wanted to thank you for your time and so you know, I totally enjoyed the evening. She laughed at him and he liked the sound of her laugh.
Mr Eric, don't distract me at work , I wouldn't want to seem distracted cause of you.

"I got that. Want to have lunch sometime this week?"
"Sure.. If am not so busy"
"Tomorrow, is that okay?"
She laughed at him again, a sweet combination of icy cool and hot smoke.
"Relax Mr, I'm not going anywhere
"Good. Then i'll come pick you by twelve thirty okay?"

He sounded so caring and she was smiling in the dark and much as she hated to admit it even to herself she liked this man. He made her feel something no other man had. She tried to calm herself
"Just a lunch and few dinner dates......what's the harm in it. It seemed odd to be going on dates. The only thing that she cared about was work. That was her only lover.
The next day she saw a bunch of roses on her table and she knew it was him.

                                                        .....     To be continued!


Softie said…
Plz continue 😢
Anonymous said…
Woah. Pls bring it back
Anonymous said…
Next........episode 3 plss

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