Who are you ?
When you look in the mirror, what do you see ?
 Does the image you see really tell who you are ? 
Do you really know who you are ?

When you critically analyze all these questions, you may notice that  many influences have been imposed on you either by environment, your friends or family which may not really be who you are.

During our early years, most of us had no control over our choices, habits or ways generally and this formed us to who we are even to the adult stage of our lives. We find ourselves handicapped at doing certain things because from childhood, we've been programmed to accept those things as things we can't do. Some of these influences shaped our personality long before we had a chance of doing anything about our own behavior.

Genetics plays a big part in forming our behavior.  The whole blueprint found in the chromosomes transmits hereditary characteristics for each person's development (I don't know much of this, but I do know it has to do with chromosomes). Some of these behavior may not play a major part in forming who a person really is, cause they maybe unlearned as the individual grows up.

Then we talk about our environment. As we grow into childhood, influences from parents like likes and dislikes as well as their prejudices affect us as well. You tend to get upset at the things that upsets your parents. You are inclined to tolerate things that they tolerated and you rarely notice that you have copied their behavior until someone tells you that you are acting just like your mum or dad.

Friends and associates have had a big influence on us too. Growing up we have so many insecurities especially as teenagers. We want to be accepted by our peers and if it includes changing some of our lifestyle just to fit in, we gladly opt for it.

Terrible accidents to a close friend or family, natural disaster that affects us, or tragedies like divorce or serious  illness has left a scar on our personality.

With these few examples you maybe able to think of more external influence that has shaped your behavior over the years.  Trying to figure out these influences may not be easy, but it would help you drop the negative influences. Isolating those negative ones will help you become better in controlling them or even getting rid of the undesirable influences.

Since so many of these influences on our behavior are not truly who we are, but were imposed on us by different factors. We can decide to have full control over who we are and discover our real personality.

Our individuality is what makes us unique and distinct from others. We therefore have to take ownership of our personality and contour it to the image of our dreams. Sift out the influences from over the years that has disagreed with whom you really are and strengthen the ones you know truly defines you.

Standing out and standing tall will always differentiate you from others, cause you are born for such unique and awesome works. The world awaits the uniqueness of your individuality. The earlier you discovered your real personality, the better for all of us. 

Do have a lovely weekend folks and don't forget to comment below.

                                                      Big hugs and kisses to You'll !


Anonymous said…
tanks Kender
Anonymous said…
Keep it up ma'am. U'll go places
Anonymous said…
All I see are ur stunning Nice one
Anonymous said…
Interesting ma dear. Keep it up.
Anonymous said…
Kender and her awesome write ups
Softie said…
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Softie said…
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Softie said…
Tnks darling.. Keep it up

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