I was sitting at the balcony of the male ward two when I noticed her. She was full of smiles as she narrated her story to the other women sitted with her. She lit up the whole atmosphere with her laughter and smiles. I couldn't stay all by myself so I had to join them. She quickly noticed I had drawn closer and gave me a knowing look, signifying I could come closer if I wanted to. I enjoyed her stories and most of all I enjoyed the way she laughed at her own jokes.

We all had one thing in common, we were taking care of either a relative, sibling, husband or even a friend. So we usually sat outside the balcony when the doctors were on their usual ward round to crack jokes or tell our plenty stories from the past. We did this just to lighten out burden of being surrounded with sick/wounded people .

The first day I joined my brother at the hospital was on the 20th of September. The previous day was my birthday and I was shocked when I heard the news of his accident. Nobody told me the extent of the injuries he sustained, so I was not myself throughout that day. Then on the next morning, I rushed to the hospital after he had being transfered. I could barely recognize him and warm tears rolled from my eyes. He was covered in bandages and his eyes were the only thing I saw on his face. I couldn't stop crying and he kept consoling me (what an irony). Since the hospital environment was new to me and I was going to be staying with him for a long period, I had to condition my mind to really stay. It was not easy seeing wounded patients, fire victims and all kinds of cases all the time and that made me loose appetite for food.......at least for the first two weeks. My phone and diary were my only companion when I was not with my brother and noticing the elderly women who gathered to tell stories was just a huge relief.

         I noticed that the woman I had seen earlier held the group. She usually came out last and every other person waited for her. I too joined in the wait since I was eager to know what made her laugh so much even in a hospital environment. She was just a happy soul. After several days of joining them, I concluded that whomever she was taking care of was either ok and fit for discharge or the case was not just serious. I could see the pain in the other people's eyes but her's was something else. She laughed away her pains that you wouldn't see It

One evening after our usual stories, I was about leaving when she walked up to me
  "How are you"?
 "Am alright ..........I said with a faint smile.
I thought she would stop there.
 "Can I come with you to see your brother"?
 "How did you know it's my brother I'm taking care of"?
She smiled and held my hand
"I asked the other lady and she told me.
 "Ok, let's go"

She saw my brother and she was so nice and offered to help him sit up. She took her time to ask him how the accident had happened. Most people would play the sympathy face while he told them the story but she was calm and smiled after the long story was cut short. I thought it unfair if I didn't go with her to see who she was taking care of. I asked her if I could come with her and she agreed.

We got to the ward and 'Children's Ward ' was boldly written on the door. I felt like I shouldn't have come with her. I hated to see little children with complications. Some had tractions on their legs and some just couldn't walk or move. I already felt my eyes wet with tears. Then I saw her little girl. She smiled at me and I asked for her name but the struggle to tell me her name pushed me to tears.

"She can't speak yet but she understands clearly" she told me as she motioned for me to sit down. It was a fire incident and for fear of crying so much amongst little children I couldn't ask for details. The fire had maimed the little girl and she had so much struggle when she wanted to walk. The only question in my head was.............

"Why was she so happy even with her daughter's condition?

I just had to ask her and she camly told me

"I have chosen to be happy regardless of the situation around me. My daughter need a happy mum. At that point I equally choose to be happy throughout my stay in the hospital.                  .............................................................

    Take an honest look at your life. Are you happy? Do you give excuses of your situation as a reason not to be happy? What ever is stealing your joy is not worth it. You should make conscious efforts to be happy.
Developing a habit of happiness takes a deliberate effort to relax and quit being frustrated with life. You may have heard it a million times but trust me, if you don't whole heartedly believe in being happy .......it may never work for you. Be grateful for the things you have now rather than complain of the things you don't have.

Happiness is a choice and you decide to swallow a pill per day. That's how it works. Never tie your happiness to someone or a thing cause you are giving yourself reasons never to be happy. If that woman was happy even with her daughter's condition then I see no reason why you and I wouldn't be happy.
Don't forget........... Happy people are the most healthy and beautiful ones.
Choose to be happy and leave the rest to God.


spower said…
I choose to be happy.. thanks dearie is really inspiring
Tanks dear. Tanks for choosing to be happy!
Anonymous said…
Tanks for this one Kender. U indeed look happy......lol

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