MY WEDDING DRAMA................K1.

Hello friends! I bet you'll are having a wonderful week. The week is almost ending and seriously this month is running very fast. I guess its running to December cause I smell Xmas already. The whole festivity during that period gives me so much joy. Waking up everyday to either a party, a white wedding or a traditional engagement. Gorgeously dressed to weddings even if you were not invited (hehehehe).

So long as you know somebody that knows are a guest. Kapish!

Watching the bride gloriously walk down some endless aile in the company of her Father, looking so glorious as though sent from heaven, the whole congregation watching in admiration and some hoping to be in her shoes. The groom's men looking around for a "better chick" like they were not in relationships already, the girls all glamed up and walking up and down like the bride asked them to share the day with her. Wedding dramas can be so hilarious and the ones I have attended are no exceptions, which brings me to my wedding tori.

A friend of mine (though not close) called me up and asked if I could be in her Asoebi (for non Nigerians, Asoebi is a term used for a group of friends who usually wear the same outfit at a friend's wedding or any other occasion. Nigerians will understand better). My usual answer would have been yes but since I had already planned a little trip I had to ask for details. It happened that on the day I was supposed to come back from my trip was the supposed wedding. She begged me to cancel and that she really needed me there. I finally agreed.

Two weeks later, she called me up for lunch. We had a nice time catching up and I asked her a lot of questions since she was going to be married soon. She told me she was crazy about the boy and I quickly asked if the boy was crazy about her too. Well, she said yes and that settled it. (I don't want stories that touch oo). She asked my opinion on the colors they had chosen and I added my little piece since I was into weddings a lot. When we finished eating, we decided to stop over at a flower shop to make enquiries. She loved white just like myself and while we were making considerations on which to choose she asked

"Hope you are preparing for the wedding "
I looked at her with one eye raised
"Isn't that why we are here. At least am helping you out"!
"That's not what I mean. Hope you are going to look your best on that day?"
"Of course I would, I answered dropping the last rose into the bouquet"
"My husband said his groom's men are hot"


That was it. I know when she says hot she means eligible, good looking, and fairly rich guys. I was single so that was the kind of wedding I needed at that point.
"Please don't fall my hand oo" she said smiling mischievously.
"Of course I won't, you don't need to say it twice. My Mr right could be there and we could finally meet. You can only imagine my excitement cause you may not contain it if you experienced it.........(winky...*)

I took my time to prepare for the wedding as though I was the bride. Spent money I didn't have buying every thing new just to look exceptionally beautiful. I was day dreaming of meeting my Mr right amongst the hot eligible groom's men. I practiced how to smile, dance and even walk. Great preparations just to look good for my unseen Mr.

The big day finally came. We arrived at the church early enough before the mass started. The other girls were looking exceptionally beautiful. I guessed she must have told them same thing. We made an entrance into the church and the groom and others were waiting already. I gracefully sat down with poise and was careful not to wear a frown unconsciously. I took pictures every now and then updating my friends on BBM and ignoring to put up the bride's picture as was the norm.

I was the bride as far as I was concerned. I needed to hook up with any of the serious minded guy on suit. Then it occurred to me I had to access the guys first before anyone walked up to me. I carefully turned to the other side to check out the guys and.......Oh my God! ........Power cuts!

I blinked to take a better view of the men on suit as the first reader mounted the altar to take the first reading. I couldn't believe my eyes. They must be lieing to me. The supposedly men on suit were all looking dull and it looked like they had borrowed the suit on them. The one I saw his face clearly had wrinkles and fine lines on his face which had appeared due to so much squeezing. The much awaited groom's men were old looking men who couldn't knot their tie (ok, only one of them did knot his tie well). I quietly tapped the girl beside me when I couldn't contain it.

"Are those men over there the grooms men," I asked hiding the expression on my face.
"I don't think so, she said with the same expression bodly written on her face.
"She said the groom's men are hot. They must be the groom's relatives"
"Yes, that's what she told me ",I said closing my mouth so I wouldn't shout.
We found out the funny looking guys with off coloured ties and shoes were the grooms men after all. I was so disappointed and really wanted to call the attention of the bride. What a waste of resources.

I ate like never before at the wedding. Got a double portion of the souvenirs just to compensate myself. I learnt a big lesson on that day and at intervals I would always laugh at myself and my big expectations especially when I saw any of the funny looking guys. So as December is fast approaching, Asoebi calls are on hold except with full benefits attached

Keep an open mind while going for weddings, Mr/Mrs Right may never be there or just maybe there. I'would rather seat amongst the guest and have a proper view of the wedding rather than squeeze myself in some uncomfortable cloths I paid for and end up not catching the bouquet (heheheheh)

Keep your fingers crossed and sit put cause I have more wedding dramas coming your way.

I love you'll my wonderful readers. Please don't forget to comment and email in stories you would like to share or get some good counsel on.


Unknown said…
Lol.. The story is just funny.. Lmao. Can't stop laughing. Christobel #comedian#nice right up for the girls to learn.
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahah. Kender u re just funny and real.
Anonymous said…
Nice one Kender. Next one pls.
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahah. Asoebi girls seriously wanting to hook up.
Anonymous said…
Kender, why the delay in release of ur write ups? Pls am waiting oo
Anonymous said…
Still waiting for Nana's diary ma'am
spower said…
Chei! Next time do asobi again.

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