Hello Guys!

Life is filled with lessons. (I know you are wondering where am heading to with such an introduction. Just relax and read on because you will certainly enjoy it.) Life has a combination of the good, the bad, the ugly and of course the bitter experiences. They all make life what living and having to experience only one particular side of life makes one half baked and 'unfit' (in my own term). Growing up gives us a taste of the different sides but childhood was exceptionally fun. Playing on the sand, building our magnificent castles with sand, talking to dolls and having imaginary families and acting roles in our perfect world. Not having to worry about anything and when a need arose we happily asked for it with all assurance that it would be done. Then as most of our demands were been met we were equally reminded that life is not a bed of roses and as a child I often wondered what was so nice about a bed filled with roses that life should be likened to it. The warnings didn't stop our demands from being met. With the mindset already programmed from childhood, we move through childhood with little or no influence of the mindset. Basically because of the needs then were limited. We go about with great exuberance expecting and demanding everything from the world. As we grow older and begin our careers, we experience failures and turn downs a great number of times that set boundaries that gets tougher and tougher with time. We begin to accept limitations that are actually self imposed. We start to bend and regulate our standards even letting go of the most important ones that makes us who we are. We apologise even when it's not needed and even to the simplest of requests. The firmer our boundaries get, the greater the limitations we impose on ourselves. The honest truth remains that with these boundaries we place on ourselves, we can never achieve our dreams or even function well. In turn we live miserable lives and unfulfilled dreams pile up. These self imposed limitations may equally result  from long years spent in complexity issues like inferiority. We assume over time that certain people are made for certain kinds of fits and we are made to live the mediocre life. The solution to breaking through these boundaries is to deliberately and consciously force ourselves to act in an opposite direction. In other words to be self conscious. self consciousness creates a different mindset. It reorientates our being to acknowledging the fact that there should be NO boundaries as to what we can achieve. Ignoring the limitations like they are no longer there. 

2) Change your belief system: If we believe we are destined for great things, our belief will radiate outwards and people will begin to see and acknowledge it. Belief does not stop at having it in mind but acting it out (afterall the world is a stage and am an actor and guess what I write my own scripts and play it out so well). People will see it and will keep wondering your reasons for being so confident and with continious efforts put into achieving the aim that you are the very best and capable of doing what you set out to do, limitations will gradually begin to disappear. 

3) Develop a healthy attitude: Our attitude in the face of rebuffs, failures, denials makes a difference. The best kind of approach to failure is to act calm and happy but not relent. Instead of being paranoid be an opposite of that. Be inverse paranoid in the face of rebuffs or failures. Believe the best is yet to come and never be discouraged to try again. Never let denials or failed attempts to make you withdraw into your shell. If Thomas Edison gave up at the first or second time of trial, we wouldn't have had electricity. Keep pushing forward with a positive mindset at accepting failures. Its equally a part of life. 
                       Dont forget you are an artist and you are totally in charge of your self appearance. What ever you paint is what the world sees about you. Take control of yourself and have the pleasure of creating a wonderful personality. 
                                                            ------to be continued

                                HAVE A LOVELY WEEK! ! !


Anonymous said…
Now ds is my favourite
Anonymous said…
I love D's one. Gd way to kick off
Anonymous said…
Tanks christobel, I will try the tips?
Anonymous said…
Wen will the rest of d tips be published. These three are awesome
Anonymous said…
Ur intro is so funny. Hehehehe
Gutsy said…
Very true.... I ll put it into practice.
Thanks Kender!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
These things are true but I don't know how to apply them
Pls help me
My dear, u really need to believe u can apply them. Its just a conscious and continuous act. U first need to be opmistic about life and always believe u can do whatever u want. See it as having faith in urself and ur abilities. Try D's and let's know d outcomes. Tanks for commenting. Kender cares
spower said…
Thanks mama.. Really inspiring.
spower said…
Meanwhile I forgot to ask. Do we get to hold people responsible for their attitude towards life and life challenges. mind you attitude are not deliberate efforts, is a product of our orientation which is a product of our environmental influence. gracias
Attitude is a state of the mind. If u allow the environment and ur orientation to be the determining factor of what happens in ur life may never go far or even achieve happiness. Ur attitude has to be how u want it to be. If you didn't have control over it it wouldn't have been called mind set. So attitude isdeliberate. Tanks for ur comment
Anonymous said…
Woah, its actually true. This blog is all I heard it to be. Tanks for this piece
Anonymous said…
So when is d rest coming
Anonymous said…
Tanks ma'am. Nice one

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