This particular write up is a collection of my thoughts and what I have practiced over time and it has really yielded good results. I hope it would really be of help to someone. Procrastination is really a thief of time and even when we sincerely want to manage our time, the lazy mindset to procastinate comes in (Walahi, I wish I could murder procrastination). Time management wouldn't be so effective if we dont carefully plan and allot time to the things we want to achieve. 
                       I procrastinate alot and when I say alot I really do mean alot (I should be awarded a degree in it. That was then ooo, I'm a changed person now. hehehe!). I could wake up having so many things to do and at the end of the day I would push over to the next day 40%, probably forget 30% and end up achieving only 30%. That was how bad it was. I was so terrible at time management. I would always feel so pissed at not being able to accomplish certain things and I always missed deadlines to several things. Not until I read a book that encouraged me to start writing out the things I wanted to accomplish in a day and carry the paper around as not to forget anyone. It equally served as a reminder that I was not supposed to spend  time without being useful. Over time I became so used to it and it really did help me. I learnt how to manage my time effectively and less of procrastination. After a long period of using the ''To-Do'' list I developed my own Dos and Donts for the To-Do list. I would love to encourage you to try it out especially if you have so many things to do and you are likely to forget some of it. Writing them down would be an excellent way of keeping track of each one. 
        The Dos and Donts of the To-Do list

1) Write your To-Do list a night before the day its to be used. That means write the next day's To-Do list before you sleep on the night to the next day.

2) Write down every detail of what you want to achieve in a day including the smallest details like calling a friend or sending a mail. 

3) Look through your list as much as you can in a day so as not to forget anyone. 

4) Mark the activities you failed to accomplish C.O (carry over). This would remind you to push it over to the next day so you dont totally forget.

5) Mark urgent against the ones that can't be carried over to the next day and must be accomplished on that day.  

6) Never carry over a particular activity twice. Once it has been marked C.O, it must be accomplished the next day. 

7) Review your list each day and access yourself on how good you were by marking and scoring the ones you accomplished. This is aimed at encouraging you to do more and exceed your scores the next day. 

8) For days when you have limited time for doing some things, you can allot specific time for carrying out each activity and not miss out on anyone.  
eg : Cleaning-------------------5:20---6:00
8) Give space for any eventuality that may occur. 

                            I really do hope this write up was helpful to someone. Please do comment or email me on your progress with the To-Do list. 
                                                             Have a lovely day!


Anonymous said…
Mehn, where do u get ur inspirations from?
Anonymous said…
Ds is so relative. Tanks for ds
Anonymous said…
Who re u? Re u sure ds works?
Anonymous said…
Christobel hahahahahhaa. Madam procrastinator
Anonymous said…
So not me but I will give it a try
Anonymous said…
Well its all gd. Tanks for sharing
Anonymous said…
Gd gd gd. We'll try it
spower said…
Thanks.. Will give this a try
Anonymous said…
Madam procrastinator like me needs this
Anonymous said…
Woah, this is just for me. So our dear Kender procrastinates. Hahahaha
Ogechukwuadaora said…
I have surely learnt from this

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