NANA'S DIARY .............Part 3 !

I finally got home after a long Sunday. I was a little tipsy from the wine I took (that explains why I was upset that he liked me and yet couldn't stay behind to talk to me.........hehehehe). I kind of like the after effect of alcohol. The unnecessary misbehaviors and plenty talks.
          Early the next day, I woke up to his call. He apologized for calling so early.
 "Nana, I wanted to ask if you would be less busy in the evening. Maybe we could have dinner together"    he stammered.
 I didn't quite get that. He was not asking me out on a date with the word 'maybe' boldy attached to it. I kept quiet, not exactly sure of what to say and the word maybe ringing in my head. Then the other end of the line was quiet. Seconds later he spoke again.
        "I'll call you later in the day so we could fix a time for our dinner". He hung up.
Later in the day, I expected his call but he never called. I guessed he was busy as usual. Just to make sure I didn't appear inconsiderate, I called Emmy to cancel our appointment (I regretted it though. She had a new business idea she wanted to let me in on and she was not happy when I called to cancel). I waited till 8:44pm and gave up. I changed into my PJ and watched my favorite movie over a cup of tea just to calm down and forget a man stood me up again.
           He called at exactly 9:45pm (I was quick to check the time). He yet again apologized for not being able to call. The usual excuse of 'I've been busy kept buzzing into my left ear. He finally asked for a reschedule which obviously turned out sour.

                      I like being realistic. Maybe if I was a kid, I would  ignore the handwritings on the wall and keep hoping for the best. I really want the best but I wouldn't be blind as not to see that Moses is just like the others who lure girls out into a relationship and keep playing with their hearts. I've had a terrible past and I wouldn't want a reminder or a repetition of that ordeal.
                   Let me quickly remind every male specie walking on the face of this earth three important things.

* Women and men can NEVER be the same especially when it comes to relationships. Don't expect a woman to think or act like you.  Yes, man are logical but women are very emotional and men should always bear that in mind. Therefore I plead with all men, never awaken the love of a woman until you are ready to love her unconditionally in return.

Secondly this whole idea of young men claiming to be overly busy for the lady they claim to love is outright nonsense. If you love a girl, you wouldn't be so busy and even forget to call her. If she meant something to you, you will make out time for her. So quit the busy game and get lost if you still want to be busy. When you get ready, Nana maybe taken.

            Finally, Nana has passed through a lot and wouldn't want anyone playing with her heart. So I have made my decision.
I'm done with this whole love thing. I better channel my passion and energy to a more yielding purpose. When I decide to love I love with my whole heart. All the love in me has dried up and the quest to get love back has failed. Thanks to ''He'' who shattered it all.
            Hey diary! the period of love talk is over. I'm just being realistic.
"She flipped through the pages of her worn out diary and sighed deeply. She walked into the room and tucked the diary into an old bag.
Love has not dealt well with me. I need a new diary and this means a fresh start for something more promising.


Anonymous said…
Wait! Is Nana's story over?
Anonymous said…
Poor Nana? But what did Moses really do wrong. He is busy nah. Hehehehe. Who is fooling who
Anonymous said…
I really do like Nana. But can we know her past
Anonymous said…
Kender , will the fourth part revile her past?
Anonymous said…
Make sure Nana continues kender. No jokes too. Am waiting
Hmm... You're right in citing that men and women are wired differently, psychologicallly-speaking. And that is where the problems lie.

Boy meets girl. They like each other. In fact, he's head-over-heels (you know the kind where all he sees, dreams and thinks about is the girl). He calls her often, making ample time out of his crushing schedule.

What happens?

She flings him away, practically. Claiming that he's too available, not giving her space to breathe.

But the same babe complains about a busy guy who hardly calls.

What does she want? Does the man in question make the difference or is it a matter of scheming and deliberateness? Does it matter to her only when she's in the relationship or throughout the entire process?

Given, some men are unsure, more are often just toying with a woman's emotions, but there are those who are just trying to make a living, period! Know that no woman wants to be with a broke man!

Strike a balance!
Tanks a lot for comment dear. Really appreciate
spower said…
Naaa...kender is that all you have to say to him? The dude has got a point. You beta talk to the ladies about giving us a hard time before they say yes.
spower said…
Wait o.. I hope nana is not going to stop writing ooo.. Abi she went to get a new diary? Meanwhile I need to know more about nana's personality. I have got Alot of issues with her

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