It was another Sunday morning. She woke up so excited. Rushed into the bathroom and was out in seconds. She got ready her 'special dress' for service the previous day. His thoughts flashed through her mind, then she smiled uneasily. It seemed like she went to church on Sundays just to see him. Watching him sing and hit the drums with so much passion. Everything about him was perfect. The first day she set her eyes on him , she was instantly charmed by his looks. He had the perfect height . She heard his voice from the church gate and  she fell in love with his voice.
                        As she moved closer, she could hear his baritone voice worshipping God effortlessly. She stepped into the church and looked up to see who was singing. She saw the most handsome man she has ever seen her whole life (at least to her). She smiled deeply and confirmed it was love not lust. How could it not be love. She already loved him before she could see his face.
                         She was almost late. She quickly stopped the next taxi. She looked good and she knew it. 'Maybe we could get a chance to talk today. He could walk up to me and ask for my name. Then I'll tell him how I felt about him and how long I had loved him from a distance'. She was lost in taught by the time the taxi pulled up in front of the church gate. The church gate again she taught 'our place of connection! She quickly paid the cab man and went into the church. She was hoping to get a glimpse of him before the church gets crowded. She saw him, he was standing with his hands lifted in worship.  She couldn't help but stare at him. She has forgotten to drop her bag or even join in worship. The praise was awesome and she had enough time stealing glances at him. The service was amazing and it was only during the sermon her mind had drifted away from him.
                      Service dismissed and she waited patiently for him to walk up to her, but he was busy with other things and never noticed her. She considered walking up to him and complimenting his outfit. Maybe that could start up a conversation and they would get to know each other better. But she couldn't. She finally got tired of waiting and left church down cast and unhappy as usual.

How could I ever talk to my far away, yet close love.
      Can anyone relate this?
Being in love with someone you barely know and not being able to talk to or tell the person. Maybe due to lack of courage or the fact you're a girl and you're not supposed to make the first move.
Well it happens a lot and if any one denies it am going to own up to it (yes, it has happened to me). Let me tell you my own short story.
                      I used to like a boy when I was a teenager. He was like my first crush. I liked him so much that I knew his friends and almost all his shirts (it was so bad). I secretly stalked him. I attended the birthday parties I knew he would go to just to see him. When I got one opportunity to talk to him I blew it up and deeply blamed myself for it.
                       Some years later in the University, we happened to be in same school. I had already gotten over the "crush" I had on him. Then one thing led to another and we started talking. That was when I knew how annoying and disgusting he could be. I wondered what I liked about him then. I couldn't stand him talk and when he finally asked me out I gladly declined.(please have a good laugh at me...hehehehehe).

                       The whole far away love thing is not feasible oo. Loving a person who you have never really had an opportunity to talk with or even get to know the person is needless. If you really like someone, walk up to him /her and make ur intentions known by starting up an honest conversation in a polite manner that wouldn't send off the wrong vibe. See if your "love" for the person can stand even after getting to know the person. Don't build castles in the air and get unhappy unnecessarily because you are dying to talk to someone who may not even notice you.
                    Even if you are the girl, be bold enough to walk up to the person and pay a compliment, then initiate a conversation. If the love holds water, the conversation may lead to a relationship.
That's my own piece on this issue. What's your own opinion.
     Keep the comments rolling in.
                                             Hugs and kisses to you'll!💋💋💋


spower said…
You are funny. You think I don't know the truth. Christobel talk true. Na u be the first gal and the last too. You think we wouldn't find out. Cho!! Lover gal. Heheheheh
Anyways is sweet while it last (I mean stalking someone). How I wish gals can take this your advice and always walk up to me and tell me they love me. I knw i hav got plenty stalkers like you. One love Christobel
Anonymous said…
I don't think so, even if she is d one I love her stories
Anonymous said…
Woah, its not easy to tell someone dt wen u re a girl. But I love it
Unknown said…
I believe if I crush on a guy don't waste precious time stalking and fantasizing, simply walk up to d person and have a conversation... Let it start from there
Anonymous said…
I agree ooo. No time for fantasizing and loosing her to another. Just tell her. But it's harder on the girls
spower said…
Bia why are u guys using anonymous. Would want to see the names or faces behind this comments.
spower said…
Miss or Mr Anonymous I didn't say I don't love the story. Just emphasizing on the fact that is Christobel. What's ur proof that is not her.
Anonymous said…
I'm just having a hard time commenting wit my G ID. I would av loved to be seen!
Unknown said…
I believe if I crush on a guy don't waste precious time stalking and fantasizing, simply walk up to d person and have a conversation... Let it start from there
Anonymous said…
This is so true. Girls should be bold to speak up. I would appreciate if a girl told me she loves me
Anonymous said…
I must confess. Its not that easy to say. I once sent my friend to tell a girl I liked her. For me I feel so shy

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