Part one! 
Finding your one true love can be very tiring, and believe me I have been on this hunt for a long time. No kidding! The long time I meant is not really long enough but its over a year now and am still searching for that spontaneous and sexy guy who will give me that butterfly feeling in my stomach and a fairy tale love life I always wanted. 

Now I really don't think many girls out there find it difficult to find true love. Just maybe and the tiny little fact that I have a check list. Yes I said check list (you can tongue lash me all u want). I know it maybe too lame in this age to have a check list but I do have one. A girl  has to do what she has to do. 

I know what I want in a man and I just decided to put it down as a reminder. I have equally heard the 'true love tale' of  falling in love with someone who was exact opposite of what you ever wanted. They call that true love...................for now I still don't know what to make out of it. 

Maybe I don't even know what true love is all about. Can someone just help me already. One thing I am very sure of is that when my Prince charming shows up I will be stunned by his looks (Winks*). 

Maybe I'm not pretty enough or just may it's not about looks.

No No No No..............I am beautiful and I have a awesome personality. Not that am blowing my trumpet but I do know that (even with my nasty side.......I ain't perfect too!). I try not to be rigid or still keep the check list but every girl wants a happy ending and I am looking forward to that. I can't help but imagine how it would be. Waking up and my head filled with his thoughts and memories of good times together, feeling excited each time he crosses my mind. 

The love of my life being my source of inspiration and even when I get so annoying (cause I can be) he would still warms up to me and tells me the sweetest things ever.  I super love this unseen guy who am yet to meet but in the meantime I'll just keep my fingers crossed, sit put, put some lip stains on and look gorgeous as always. Then when I finally meet him (maybe in the most unbelievable place ) he will be awed by my presence and fall in love with me immediately.
                                                  Love from Nana!!

                She gently closed her diary with a pale smile on her face and her imaginations were running wild. The beautiful sunset scenario on the beach. His arms wrapped around me. My head securely placed on his chest. I could hear his heart beating........beating for Nana. Looking into his eyes and seeing exactly what she wanted to see..............only that her eyes were fixed on the clock and it was 6:35pm and she had a date.
                          be continued!


My love for Nana's personality
ujunwa said…
mmmmm. johnyy, i see u. thumbs up
Anonymous said…
Wen is part two of Nana coming?
Anonymous said…
We're still waiting for d rest of d story
Anonymous said…
Nana the dreamer! Hehehe
spower said…
Hahahahah.. Tell Nan. That am also seriously searching for her with my own list too.
Anonymous said…
I just started this series I love every bit
Anonymous said…
Nana is just like myself. I want the best. I won't ever settle for less

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