At different points in our lives, we pass through a lot of things.
Ranging from the sweet lovely stories(ooh....I love sweet stories.....who doesn't? I know you do too), to the terrible, heartbreaking ones. Those stories about us that keep giving us reasons to be depressed. 

Most of the times we really want to talk about it but the problem is who do we talk to.Especially in this our generation where our ''friends'' turn out to be ''Amebos'' and would constantly judge us and make one even feel much more terrible than she/he already is. While some of these experiences make us a better person, some at the same time destroyed something inside of us and that scare has remained till this day. 

Kender Talks shares stories and experiences that are educating enough to help someone or persons passing through similar ordeal to come out better. The blog is a platform for inspiration and encouragement( I know I have said this before and I'm just emphasizing on it like a math teacher. Don't blame me, I want the best for us). 

 I had a challenge before I finally decided to start. I kept asking myself and of course anybody who cared to listen, who will read my article? Who will find the time to go online and read stories? Then I did a survey and found a generation who were hungry for knowledge. I found a people who wanted to know more and even understand more. I read up articles online and saw thousands and thousands of comments from voracious readers who had digested each column and embraced it as their own and made their candid opinions. 

Then I said to myself...........Kender talks would have readers and we'll both thrive. 

The blog is not about celebrity gists neither is it about socialites and their plenty dramas (we all have a fair share of our personal dramas). Kender Talks handles those issues of life that you and I face on a daily basis and at times we really don't know how to tackle it. 

A well known writer once said and I quote
''Our stories matter
  Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign.
  Stories can be used to empower and to humanize 
  Stories can break the dignity of a people but stories can also  repair that broken dignity''

Our different stories matter and they give us a voice when we have used it to empower others. Kender Talks gives our readers a unique platform to equally share their stories. 

Stories when shared gives relief and happiness comes knowing that your story changed a life for the better. 

Email in your wonderful stories of success, self discovery, career success, relationship victories, habit changes etc and we will publish for others to learn and get inspired from you. 



Anonymous said…
This is an awesome platform. Tanks Kender
Anonymous said…
Tank dear. We love it
Anonymous said…
I'll definitely share my story with u

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