So I sat patiently waiting for my turn. I had no friends and my friends from secondary school had all chosen a different choice of university (thanks to my parents who wanted me to stay close as if I was still being breast fed....Phew! !). It finally got to my turn and the woman just knew how tired I was and hurriedly settled me. The whole environment was new to me and since I was naturally inquisitive, I didn't have a problem finding my way around. I located a girl I had previously over heard telling her friends she has been allocated same hostel with me. 
            I smiled up to her and asked if she was heading my way. She said she was assigned same hostel so we can go together. As we slowly took our time to get to the hostel, we started discussing (trust girls and gists). She shared her story of how she was deeply hurt by her ex. He took my virginity she chuckled, but that was not what hurt me the most. You can imagine when you love a boy and allow him to use you as much as he wants.  I was not complaining cause I enjoyed it so much. She lifted her face and looked into my eyes 'the sex was great'. She continued " Anyways, what really pained me the most was that he dated my best friend same period we were in a relationship. Then she slightly pulled me back, maybe to be sure I was still listening to her story. (Of course I was listening, I just had plenty questions in my head). I said he was dating my friend and I at the same time. I had to say something. 
"How come you never realized or even noticed since she is your best friend? I asked. That was the first time her lovely smile left her face and then I concluded she was really hurt. I guess he was a good player for Becky and I to be fully involved and not notice. But that's not my problem anymore. I have gotten over it she said smiling. Her smile was back. I wanted to sympathize with her and tell her how terrible boys were just to make her feel good, but she had other things to say and eagerly. 
" Do you have a boyfriend and if you do , its totally a waste of time. ( My eyes were wide open and shining like a torch light). Not that I had a boyfriend but the way she said it and the words that followed suit made more surprised. I have decided to have as many men as I want in my life and use them for my advantage. 'Nne " I have needs OK and these men will provide all. I need to be spent on and the days of being a 'good' girl is over. She made emphasis on the good. I was listening like my elder sister was advicing me or more like instructing me. She continued "When am ready to get married I'll simply choose from the numerous guys and trust me I mean every word of it. 
 " Ahh Lizzy, why would you talk like that. So you want to turn bad because a stupid boy cheated on himself not you. (I was seriously trying to advice her). You are such a nice girl , please don't be like the bad girls just to prove a point. I kept on talking( better girl like me). My dear look, the good girls are the ones who suffer in relationships and they don't even get what they want but you see the bad girls, they have it all. Things work out for them and they don't loose out on anything. That is how life works and am tired of playing the good girl. 
          We finally got to the hostel and got our bed spaces. We exchanged numbers and did the rest of the unpacking together. That night I kept wondering if what she said was true. "Bad girls having it all and good girls always loosing out". Before I finally slept I convinced myself she was just lieing or rather trying to justify what she wanted to do. I concluded there was no such law and therefore it wouldn't work in my case ( I added in Jesus name quickly). 
               Fast forward to four years later in our final year. We kept our friendship and true to her words she did exactly as she said. Weeks to our final exams she came to my room wearing the most beautiful engagement ring I had seen in life and two months later she was married. Imagine my surprise and how I felt. Could it be true that bad girls always has it all? 
That is one thing about life. The unexpected happens and the expected sometimes may not happen. Yes the good girls may not have it all but the bad girls equally loose sef. So If you want to be a bad girl, carry on but if you want to be a good girl, don't complain about it. Do it whole heartedly but bear in mind that not all nice things will come your way because you are good (hehehehe) and most things will elude you. Not to worry, the bad girls will reap their reward. 
What is your story and your opinion. Do you believe the nice girls loose at the end and the bad girls has it all? Send in your responses. 

         Have a lovely day friends and big hugs to you all. 


Anonymous said…
I have been waiting for today's story. Its so lovely. Well the truth is dt bad girls always win but dt does not mean people have to be bad. We men love the good girls for keeps
Anonymous said…
Hehehehe. Good girls and bad girls. Hmmmm well I love d bad girls cos dey know how to play and keep it real. But the good ones .........I will love them for marriage in fact a combination of the two is what I need
Anonymous said…
The good girls should remain gd and d bad girls should change biko
Anonymous said…
I know guys will support the good girls but the truth is that life has a way of rewarding the promiscuous girls and they always get away with what they have done
spower said…
Hahahahahahaha..I love dem comments. Facts of life. The bad seems to always outshine the good nevertheless my dad (not me) believe the good will eat the good of the land but that's after a long short. For me . Plan to be in the middle. I just hope it works.To answer your question, bad gals are fun. Good ones comments
Anonymous said…
I love ds. And dts d world for u. Good things happen to bad people. And she rightly said if u want to be gd, do it whole heartedly
Anonymous said…
Which ever one u are remain ooo. Allow ur conscience to speak to u
Anonymous said…
Hahaha. I know gd girls that are not married and I know bad girls that are married but it's happiness dt matters
Anonymous said…
Woah I love ds piece. So real. That's just life
Anonymous said…
The truth is dt life Has a way of favouring the bad girls and God has His way of blessing the good girls
Anonymous said…
I still maintain people should be good and the world will become a better place
Anonymous said…
I blame the stupid ex. Exs has a way of spoiling both the girl or the boy.
Anonymous said…
Hahahahah. See wahala oo. Girls be spoiling and getting married. Chaii. I pity men sha
Softie said…
Wonderful... Dats life oo
Anonymous said…
True talk. That is life for u. All the runs girls i know are married
Anonymous said…
Hahahhaha. Abeg ooo babes gat to be babe

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