Part two ! ! !

Dear diary,
I am so moody. I feel like its only me in this world who is in search of love. Everybody seems perfectly in love or they are just fine and OK in their perfect world. I feel its only you I can talk to and you wouldn't talk back to me. People would never be able to recognize a good person. Its always the good girls that don't get the best. They would rather prefer the one who plays games and lies to their face. (OK enough of my rantings, it would never help me).
   I went on a date with him (Moses). At first I thought he was not worth the try or effort but I still went along so I wouldn't push away my "good luck" unknowingly. He did it.........he opened the door for me to enter the car and when we got to the restaurant, he did the same thing. (Gosh!! I can't remember the last time someone did that for me or the last time I saw a man do it for his lady........only in the movies). I wish that things could just happen like in the movies. The love in the movies are so perfect and of course predictable. The happy endings just thrills me. Please don't mind my digression. So we made our orders. I was careful not to ask for anything fatty. (Yes..  I'm watching my weight seriously with a big nerdy lens). Then gradually my impressions about him began to change the more. He talked most of the time and I just affirmed with my head and quietly ate my food. I was a chatter box but this one would not let you talk. He talked about his business, his personal life, his great achievements and of course how he had been hard working even right from his mother's womb. He sounded more like a workaholic to me with his never ending excuses to take his calls and respond to his emails even while on a date. (Now you see why I said finding true love can be tiring). I kept my many discussions to my self and the ones I couldn't hold I just said it out only to my hearing. I looked up and he was staring at me. The words spilled out of his mouth like he had memorized it.
..........Nana dear, do give us a chance and I promise you'll never regret it.
Then came my unexpected response. I think I would want to go home now. He gave me a hard long look that made my spirit leave my body for some seconds for fear of unwanted murder. (Hehehehe).
Nana dear, is that all you could say. I just said something to you........he stammered with a look of defeat bodly written on his face. I heard you the first time. I'll think about it (of course I wouldn't). I know you will ask why I wont, not to worry I'll explain. He 'jejely' dropped me off and I slept so peacefully that night only to wake up at 4:40am in the morning to remember I was still single with nobody to love or love me back. Then I started crying ( wait before you think I cry unnecessarily. I didnt cry as in shed tears ooh. I only frowned a little, hugged my doll and picked up my diary). I did that so I wouldn't feel terrible. Here is my explanation as to why I wouldn't think about it or even give it a try.
           The saying that first impression matters is genuinely true. I had met Moses at my girl friend's place. I went for the usual Sunday visit and met her boy friend's friends over there. I didn't notice him cause there were three other guys there and we were seriously talking about career and relationships (the two topics I love to talk about, so why wouldn't I be engrossed). Finally I noticed a boy who kept excusing himself to take his calls and few minutes later he left. After our plenty drinks and gist we all decided to call it a day. On my way out NG told me that the guy who left earlier by the name Moses said he likes me and would have wanted to talk to me but he has to rush to the office (on a Sunday...hmmmm). You may think I said OK he looks good with a smile...... But No, I was mad and utterly furious. That was the number one turn off.
                ................To be continued! !


Anonymous said…
Now you re making me want some more. In the heat of the story u just cut us short. When is it continuing?
Anonymous said…
Re u Nana?
Anonymous said…
I just like Nana, she knows what she wants!
Anonymous said…
Can't wait for d remaining part..��

Anonymous said…
Can't wait for d remaining part ��
Anonymous said…
I love Nana. She will find love
Anonymous said…
Nana is over selective ooh
spower said…
Heheheheh... Perfect nana. Let her wait and hear Moses own story am sure Mose Have also noticed her own flaws. Christobel pls invite Moses to write his own episode of the date. Biko
Anonymous said…
Nana is so dramatic. Stay there and get old.
Anonymous said…
Nana is getting more complicated and interesting. Let's see how it goes
Anonymous said…
It seems Nana has had a bad past. So she is taking her time. Poor Nana
Anonymous said…
Nana can not survive in Naija at all. Almost all men are so busy and hardly cares. But we manage. My bf does same too
Anonymous said…
I think Nana is a small girl. If she has clocked 35 she wouldn't be so selective
Anonymous said…
Nana my making sense babe
Anonymous said…
Make me laugh Nana. I like ur guts. Aunty Oma

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